Monday, June 26, 2006

A Success!

Fisher spent his first over night without Mama and Dada and without a hitch I might add, well except that I think that his Mimi & Bumpa (Brown), and Aunt Kiki (Carrie) were a little worn out the following day. We went to Sabrina (Spencer) and Calvin Carr's Wedding in Presque Isle on Saturday, it was beautiful. We got the chance to really enjoy the day without having to chase our busy little guy around. I think it was the first time in a year and half that I was able to complete an adult conversation. What a concept, right? Fisher is just so active, climbing, running, and just plain exploring that it requires one's undivided attention just to know his where abouts and keep him out of harm's way. On the way over to the wedding, Andy and I were able to spend the 2-hour car ride catching up with each other (even though I will admit we spent quite a bit of it talking about Fisher) and once we got there we had alot of time to spend with our "Bogard Family." It sounds like Fisher had a good time too. He got to show off his ever expanding vocabulary, visit with family at my cousin's graduation party, and read plenty of books (one of his favorite activities). Alright, so I bet your wondering if I was at all disappointed things went as well as they did. Absolutely not! When I picked him up Sunday morning before church he had slept well and was very excited to see me. Though he isn't saying "I love you" yet, he embraced me and I knew what he meant. Once we got to church he ran straight in the auditorium to see his dad playing the drums and danced with excitement when he saw him (some of you have seen this dance, now commonly known as "fast feet"). This expereince has reminded me how God's provision is perfect. Though we can't afford some big extravagant vacation, that isn't what we needed. God knew that all Andy and I really needed was a little time for each other and an opportunity to let someone else chase Fisher for a little while. I now also know that Fisher will be just fine when I'm in the hospital overnight when our new baby comes next month. When I take the time to listen to God, He always speaks just the message my heart needs to hear. God has made it clear to me that He is not only growing the new baby inside of me, but at the same time, preparing each of us in different ways for this baby's arrival.


At 9:44 AM , Blogger Amanda said...

Sara-you make me wish it was November already! You are such a great mom and wife...I love reading your posts b/c you speak from the heart...I aspire to have the heart and be the wife you are to Andy and Fisher. Keep it up-you're doing great!

At 10:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear Andy play drums again and see Fisher's "fast feet" dance. Maybe we'll have to visit your church some Sunday.
Love, MomBo


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