Monday, September 17, 2007

Big News to Share

Not yesterday, but last sunday Fisher went to children's church for the very first time! My little boy is growing up. It was so perfect too, God just put everything in place for his ease into what he calls "school." I went and asked if he could try it out, really it's intended for kids starting at 3, but he was going a little nutty in the nursery with all those little babies. I filled out the appropriate paperwork and he was assigned to group 3, I turned around to find group 3 and there it was with Beth, my cousin, as the teacher (is that not perfect?). We went over to talk to her and she explained to Fisher that they'd be learning about Jesus and a man named Job. This is when I started tearing up, I used to think that those moms who sat outside the kindergarden classrooms with red puffy eyes on the first day of school were weak, I've faced the reality that I'm going to be a wreck! I checked on him (and his brother in the nursery) a couple of times without their knowledge throughout the service and they seemed to be doing well. I couldn't wait to pick him up after church to find out how it went. He said he had fun, Beth said the same and then explained that she was just teaching that week and then had another commitment which just made me more grateful to have her there for Fisher's first week! In the car as we left I was anxious to get Fisher's undivided attention and get the whole scoop. When I asked what he did at sunday school he said, "We danced and did Bible," then I asked his favorite part he said, "Jesus." What a lesson that was for Momma, if I lived my life dancing with joy and spending time in the Bible, I know I would allow Jesus to better capture my heart too.


At 10:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet story! Love, MomBo

At 1:37 PM , Blogger Amanda said...

Adorable! Is he really that old already?


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