Thursday, August 23, 2007

I think I may have a few minutes...

Lately, the boys haven't been napping at the same time, so a few moments to myself are becoming few and far between. But alas, today they nap simultaneously! I'll try to fill you in a little on what our little guys have been up to-

We'll start with Noah. He's babbling a lot. I think he's trying to say so much more than we're picking up but I definitely know we've heard him say, Hi, Mama, Dada, Ball, and Dog. He's really been enjoying music, he dances and plays the belly drums, and the other day he was trying to sing "Happy Birthday" with his brother (to no one in particular, mind you). He has a grand total of eight teeth, his mood and a low grade fever and diaper rash that come and go lead me to believe he has more on the way. He's walking better now, he has his fair share of tumbles still, but he's definitely gaining speed! Overall, he's a pretty content little guy who loves to explore. His brother and I have been teaching him to raise his hands when we ask, "How big is Noah?" He's picking up on it and he's so proud of himself he smiles from ear to ear!

The big kid has been busy too, he's been loving summertime, his dad's been teaching him to hit a ball with his plastic bat off of a tee (sort of, actually it's a 2-liter bottle, it's a little embarasing, but just the right height). He's been enjoying riding his two-wheel bike too (with training wheels for now). It's adorable to watch such a little guy with a great big helmet, pedaling as fast as his legs will go. He and I have been trying to have some quality time set aside for learning while Noah naps. I've been trying to research pre-reading skills to work on during those times. Yesterday, for example, we worked on making patterns with the colored blocks as well as talking about the shapes and colors.

Tonight we have plans to go to the fair, so hopefully the weather holds since we've already told the boys about our plans to go see the animals. I hope to have pictures to post soon.


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