Still Pregnant!
Just to keep everyone posted, I'm still pregnant. The picture a post or two back may lead everyone to believe that I'm feeling huge, but I don't really. I feel great, my blood pressure is better than ever, my swelling is minimal, and I'm really enjoying having the baby inside me. It's fun to rub my belly when the little one starts squirming and to see Fisher give the baby kisses from the outside of my belly for now. I had an appointment with my midwife yesterday, she's happy that I'm doing well, the baby's heart rate sounded good, and I'm dilated to 2 cm. That's good, but doesn't necessarily mean the baby's on his or her way immediately. Some women stay dilated to 2 for weeks (not that I wish for that) before going into labor, so don't start holding your breath quite yet. The reason that 2 cm is exciting to me though, is that it's more dilated than I was with Fisher after 8 hours of contractions (only 1 cm), so this must mean that this labor will be shorter. Halleluiah! I'm just enjoying one day at a time for now. Hopefully Fisher and I will be able to make it to the beach another couple times before the new little one arrives. I'll keep everyone posted on any new developments.
As for Fisher, he's doing great talking more every day - the "sprinker" is one of his new favorites. You'll have to ask his Dad where he learned to drink out of a hose, cause I can't take credit for this cuteness! Last week Fisher and I went into TC for Cherry Festivities, I have to admit to being a Cherry Festival Junkie through and through. But this year, I got to do it in the name of making sure Fisher got to take part. We enjoyed an evening at the open space, the kids parade Thursday, and the zoo Friday. His favorites were the fish at the open space, the tractor, garbage truck, and horses in the parade, and the bear at the zoo. Over the weekend of the fourth, Andy and I took Fisher to the fireworks in Bay Harbor- it was so cool to see his reaction- he loved them (must get that from mommy). After each one he had an expression of "Ooh!" or "Wow!," and I swear I didn't teach him that. I love more than anything to see the excitement on his face over the simple things. I cherish each moment I have to witness his pure joy and innocence.
What an adorable picture! It might sound funny, but I've started to stock up on clearance of my girlfriends told me that she did that and was able to give pics to the grandparents in frames for the first 6 months and then just gave them pictures to switch out.
It was great seeing you on Sunday-you look amazing! I, like you, am a Cherry Festival junkie and loved being there for both week-ends. Phil's going out of town so I'm (gasp!) staying 'home alone' this week-end. Phil doesn't think I can do it-hehe. Then it's back to being gone every week-end.
Will be praying for a safe, fast, smooth labor/delivery...can't wait to hear all about it! =)
Amanda said it right -- Fisher's ADORABLE!! I can't believe you're having another one already...I remember the first day you brought Fisher to church!!! WOW!! Praying your delivery goes well and everything works out with the hypnobirth!
Love you & amazed each day at how the Lord uses you and Andy to be such awsome examples of His love for Fisher and others
Cute picture! He's "all boy", drinking out of the hose that way. Girls would "sip"! I'm so anxious to meet our new little grandchild. Please remember to be early or late. :>) In any case, we'll be there SOON. I love reading your blog and hope this comment post works this time.
Love you all.......MomBo
Love to read your blog - have been thinking about you alot as of late- wondering when we will getting the phone call that the baby is here - have missed seeing you so much. hoping Kate will be home the first week in August - lets get together. I love you - Auntie
You are such an awesome mom, sister, and friend! I am amazed at watching Fisher grow into a "Tough Guy" as opposed to the oh so not so innocent sweet little boy that he appears to be. =)
When the time comes...sooner or later...of becoming a mom myself, I just hope that I can be half the wonderful mother that you are.
Can't wait to see the family of four here soon. What a wonderful birthday present that would be!
Love you all! Aunt Kiki
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