A Lot Can Happen in Two Weeks!
I can't believe that two weeks ago the little baby boy I now hold in my arms was inside my body! I have so much to catch everyone up on. Of course life has changed drastically since my last post, but we're all doing great and loving our new little guy! Noah is a super baby, he's a much easier baby than Fisher was. Even Andy keeps commenting on how much more Noah sleeps than Fisher ever did (which according to what I've read, Noah's normal and Fisher was the exception). I think in retrospect, that Fisher had some acid reflux too, I've talked to a nurse recently about the symptoms he had, it was just that he didn't spit up excessively so I didn't consider it, but I guess they don't always. I only tell you all this to say that I was a first time mom, I didn't know any better, I thought that it was just typical newborn stuff. Now that I have a more typical newborn, I know better.
Regardless, God's plan is perfect I'm managing to chase a toddler and take care of a newborn and I feel great! This picture was taken the day after we got home from the hospital, we went to the Venetian Festival Fireworks with "Mimi and Bumpa" Brown and Aunt "Kiki" to celebrate my sister's birthday.
Fisher is adjusting well to brotherhood. He adores his "brutter," and gives him kisses and hugs all day long. He enjoys pointing out Noah's body parts to anyone who is willing to listen. It's the sweetest thing. I think that he's looking for Noah's knees in this picture.Noah's doing well too, he's sleeping a couple good stretches at night and nursing very well, he was back up to his birth weight when we went for his first doctor's appointment at 6 days old. We get to see his eyes more every day, I think he has his own look, but people have said he looks like Fisher, I guess only time
will tell for sure.
Nap is over, so I need to wrap up, but I hope to be able to blog again soon. I said things were going well, but I didn't say we weren't busy- so I'll do my best to keep up with this whole blog thing! Plus, I guess I can always make time to show off my beautiful boys.
Thanks for the update! Now we want to hear how the labor went!!
You're right Sara...they are beautiful!! Good job mama-you inspire me! So glad things are going well. If you ever need a babysitter in the Clio/Birch Run area...hehe!
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