Saturday, March 07, 2009

My Babes Are Growing Up!

Milestones are being met like crazy around here! First and most exciting is my 2&1/2 year old potty train, YAY Noah! He's doing absolutely beautifully! We're even taking him in public with his new Thomas and Cars underpants! No accidents in about a week now! Things are so different with that kid than they were with his big brother, I feel like I need to learn to parent completely differently with him. He loves to be independent and really doesn't seem to be persuaded or even encouraged by our positive praises. There have been multiple times now when we'll find out later that he went potty on his own without any help. Andy found him rinsing out the little potty (just like I do) after he had gone and then got himself dressed. He probably wouldn't have even told us, but Fisher tattled on him for "playing in the bathroom." He's incredibly independent! And one curious little guy too.

We're making our way through winter in the Bogard household. The little boys and I have been staying busy going to playgroups and storytimes around ER. We've been enjoying meeting new people and developing new friendships, I'm so excited to be a part of this community and planting some roots. It's interesting to meet little ones at playgroups and think of these kids as classmates for my boys. This is a picture from last week when we went to fat Tuesday at Pearl's, I love that place! Yummy!

Spiderman and a Tiger

Andy has been logging some hours on his 60 year old tractor keeping the driveway plowed. I think he enjoys it much more than he lets on. He also took Fisher Ice Skating for the first time last weekend, they sure looked like they had fun.

Last night we all went to a parking lot to do some riding around on the bikes. Fisher got a new bike for his birthday in December, but has been a little leary of it. It's a litte bigger than his old bike and he hasn't been real steady on it since he's not able to get up to speed doing laps in the basement. The "big boys" went again today with their daddy and had a great time again. Noah has figured out recently how to peddal his tricycle too, so he's very excited about that as well.

Baby C is all smiles these days and even has a couple pearly whites cutting through that big ol' grin. He enjoys rolling over and has started to wiggle his butt in the air just a tad when he gets really determined. I don't remeber the older boys enjoying their toes quite as much as Corbin either. He has recently gotten his bottom teeth and turned 6 months old this last week so we started his on a little avacado and he loved it! These boys continue to enrich our lives in more ways than we ever would have guessed. Well, duty calls, there's a baby crying downstairs. Sorry I'm so scattered tonight, I really wanted to post but, can't seem to find the time to do it!


At 8:11 PM , Blogger Sheri said...

Your little guys are so handsome, Sara! Congratulations on Noah's big achievement - Eden just went on the potty for the first time today, and I'm ecstatic... so I can't imagine how you guys feel!!

Glad to hear that your family is fitting in to your new town and home well.

At 4:20 PM , Blogger Amanda said...

Nolan's down to just a pullup at night and man, does it feel good! Congrats!

Sounds like you guys are doing great and I LOVE the pics! =)


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